KySat-1 has reached another major milestone. On Monday, April 20, the KySat-1 Engineering Model underwent a fully integrated CubeSat Acceptance Checklist (CAC) and a full vibration test at California Polytechnic University. The CAC ensures that a cube meets all the CalPoly requirements to ride in a PPOD, the mechanism that will deploy KySat-1 in orbit.
KySat-1 had previously underwent a CubeSat Acceptance Checklist but it was not in flight configuration. 
The vibration test consists of two sine sweeps and a random vibration on each axis of the satellite and verifies that the satellite will be able to survive the launch environment. The successful completion of
these two tests validates that design of KySat-1 and will allow the design team to move forward with flight model integration.
The top and bottom pictures show KySat-1 alongside the CAC. The two middle images show it on the shaker during its vibration tests.
Stay tuned for more updates from the CubeSat Developers Workshop later this week.
Daniel Erb, KySat-1 graduate student
Twyman Clements, KySat-1 graduate student (pictures)